Tuesday, March 17, 2009

before and after


"after" is very rough and not final.  this is just to demonstrate the color/contrast manipulation.  geek note: am only using Lightroom 2.3.  I would normally remove any color cast using Photoshop but my camera is new and not compatible with the version I have...


  1. You say photoshop is not compatible with the photos from your new camera? What new camera do you have, and why aren't they compatible? I just bought a new camera, is this an issue I'm going to run into?

  2. I bought the 5D Mark II and it seems to want a Camera Raw version for CS4. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough...
    I'm using Lightroom 2.3 at the moment and its working on my laptop but very slowly. I only have 1GB of RAM and the RAW files off of the camera are 22MB each. I've been downloading less than a dozen shots at a time and it's taking about a half an hour before I can do anything with them. I believe the problem is i need to upgrade the OS to Leopard and max out the RAM (which is cheap right now).
    Are you using Lightroom? if not we should have a discussion. I love it...

  3. I do have Lightroom, but I don't use it. You prefer it over Photoshop? I feel like everything I can do in LR, I can do the same adjustments in the Camera RAW box in PS? Maybe I should give it a try? Especially because I, too, just bought the 5D Mark II. I felt it was time for a serious upgrade. I should definitely install some more RAM on my computer as well then, I knew my new RAW files would be HUGE! I just hadn't started planning for them yet.

    Maybe I should just upgrade to CS4 while I can still get it cheap as a student?

    So much to buy, so much!

  4. I use both...
    LR is nice because you can apply adjustments to multiple images. as in if you do studio shots in consisistent lightiing, you adjust one and apply the settings to all. I also think that LR is far superior to Bridge for editing. the Compare View allows you to refine down to the best shot and ilove it. I still use PS though... for retouching, color correcting, sharpening and printing. In my opinon you need both.
    I"m doing a Digital 2 class in the fall if you are interested. I've been researching a lot of new techniques and last time people really liked what we did. I do a LR review... the initial setup is the hardest part, everything else is intuitive. if you can't take the class I will offer you a crash course and get you trhough the tough stuff. after that all you need is to play with it and get a book.
    Regardless, you are doing some great work and I would like to talk with you in person about your possibilities.
